The power of imperfection

"To be authentic, we must cultivate the courage to be imperfect—and vulnerable." - Brené Brown

Over the past week, several people have shared their struggles with self-confidence with me. Given the recurring questions around self-advocacy, I’ve decided to explore this leadership topic more deeply in today’s post.

The Integrated Model of Self-Confidence

Developed by Perkins in 2018 in the psychology paper "The Integrated Model of Self-Confidence: Defining and Operationalizing Self-Confidence in Organizational Settings" This model introduces the concept of self-efficacy, self-esteem, and self-compassion as 3 core components of self-confidence.

The Model of Self-Trust

Self Confidence Inventory

Take a moment to assess yourself on the following aspects, rating each from 1-5, with 5 being 'strongly agree':

Self-efficacy: Belief in your competence, skills, and ability

  1. I am capable of achieving my goals.
  2. I believe in my ability to succeed.
  3. I have what it takes to get it done.
  4. I have doubts in my ability to meet the goals.

Self-esteem: Belief in your principles

  1. I am a person of value and worth.
  2. I am happy with who I am.
  3. I am sure of myself and my beliefs.
  4. I feel good about myself and who I am.

Self-compassion: Support towards yourself

  1. When I make a mistake, I easily forgive myself.
  2. While I may not be perfect, I am good enough.
  3. I can learn from my failures and try again.
  4. I have the ability to cope with self-doubt.

Reflecting on Your Results

These three areas form the foundation of your internal self-confidence. Was there an area that you'd strengthen? How does this area impact your current life, thoughts, and actions? What experiences have you had that influenced your perception?

Personally, I realized I need to remind myself more often that I am good enough.

Courage to Taking Risks

After evaluating your current state, the next step involves acts of courage and taking risks in yourself. If you struggle with speaking up, consider using the TRUTH framework from Megan Reitz and John Higgins:

  1. Trust. How much do you trust the value of your opinion and of others? When do you find yourself being most confident with your own opinion?
  2. Risk. What are the risks involved with you or others speak up?
  3. Understanding. Do you understand the politics of who says to whom and why? Are there power dynamics around who spoke up and who was heard?
  4. Title. Are you aware of the role title, how do they influence communication?
  5. How. Do you know how to choose the right words at the right time?

ie. "I feel uneasy when decisions are made without thorough consultation, as I believe collaboration is crucial for successful outcomes. Let's discuss important decisions together before finalizing them"

My Personal Journey

While I'm on the topic of taking risks, I decided to leave my team after three years. I’ll be joining a new team at Amazon on the 27th. A step towards embracing new challenges and opportunities.

P.S. It seems like whenever I quit, people are surprised. I should quit more often to keep 'em on their toes. 🤣

Wishing you all a courageous week ahead,