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- Video course : How do I plan my career and document my achievements link.
No premium subscription? Buy it here. 2 videos with 2 worksheets, total 45 minutes.
Developing Your Career Strategy and Blueprint
In this 30-minute video, I share insights on how to develop a career strategy and blueprint. I discuss the importance of thinking about your career and provide examples of how to align your goals, vision, and strategy. I also highlight the significance of personal development, networking, and mentorship. Watch this video to gain valuable tips and guidance on creating a successful career plan.
Capturing Career Accomplishments
In this 15-min video, I discuss the importance of documenting career accomplishments and provide a template to help you map out your career goals. I explain how to organize and track work accomplishments and skills, and share examples of effective impact statements. I also discuss the significance of updating your documentation regularly and seeking feedback from managers and colleagues. Watch this video to learn how to document your career achievements effectively and set yourself up for success. - Video: How to design innovation talk for University of Chicago.
Premium Edition: How to design innovation - video
Video: How to design innovation
👋 Welcome to 🔒 paid-only edition 🔒 of my weekly newsletter, I’m providing you access to the video presentation and keynote slides for my talk on “How to design innovation”. 84% of company leadership believe innovation is a high priority, but 94% of them are dissatisfied with the performance of the innovation. A